I got some money today. Not enough to last me the whole month anyway, so I bought some shoes. They were cheap and red. I bought then from H&M and I think I love them. My mom also bought me flowers. Nice day, even though it's -22 degrees outside. I've got the day off, so Tove and me will drink some wine and maybe go out. Have a nice weekend. Xxx

I can see you can't really see the shoes, but I promise they are nice :)
Jeg elsker den genseren du har på deg! Hvor er den fra?
Takk takk :) Den e fra fabuløse Gina Tricot. Ei stund sidn æ kjøpt den, though.
men så bra! da får jeg vel julegave i posten snart da;) digger genseren og murveggen!
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