Andreas and me have had sunday club for three years now, almost every sunday. We have been hung over, eaten, watched crap movies, good movies and laughed. It has been so nice! I can tell you how it started; I had been out one Saturday first year, and met Andreas. He walked me home, and the day after I was so home sick I almost cried. Suddenly my door bell rang, and it was Andy. He took me to a Chinese restaurant in China town (the restaurant had dead animals in the window and he knew I was a vegetarian). Nice one. We continued meeting every sunday at my place, so it is sad a chapter is closed. We ate indian today and watched Schpaaa. He ate so much he had to go home early. Haha.

Hahaha! Å forspise sæ e sannelig ingen spøk, gitt!
d e sant :-)
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