I've had a good morning! I woke up by a call from my local newspaper. They wanted to interview me, I think that was cool. A little promotion in my home town is not to be underestimated. The article will probably be out this weekend, and I think you can find it
here when it does. After I talked to them, my door bell rang. And I got a packet from Norway. In it was an easter egg, cheese doodles and other goodies from the country. I almost cried. Thanks mum, dad and Amanda :D I am doing my best not to dig in yet! Today I've got various meetings with the production team for 3rd degree festival and a rehearsal with "Say Baby". Last week's rehearsal was amazing, so I'm hoping for the same today. By the way, does anyone want to buy me a ticket home for Easter? Just for a couple of days. Maybe from the 12th to the 19th or something. I would be very happy, because I regret saying no thanks t a ticket from my mum. Anyhow, have a great day. Xxx

heldigrisenn du da!
æ veit :D
stopp en halv!- koffer kjæm du i avisa? ka dm spurt om?
Hoho, æ ska bli superstar ;D YEAH!
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