I bought Coco Pops the other day, which I never do. So I think it was ment to be that I bought it. Because on the back of the box it said that I could adopt a monkey for free
here or
here. I would have to buy two more boxes of Kellog's to get it for free though, but anyway... I think it is a fabulous idea. Yeah, let's adopt a monkey!

Here are some monkey facts for you:
- The world's smallest monkey is the weeny 11cm Pygmy Marmoset, which could sit on your thumb.
- The massive 1 metre Mandarill is the world's biggest monkey and it's name means "man ape".
- There are 196 species of monkey living in Africa, Asia and South America.
- Monkeys love to eat flowers, fruit, seeds, nuts, birds' eggs and even spiders...
but do you know that chimps eat rival chimps?
bet you didn't know that! even tear their faces off!!
sooo yeah!!
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