I bought Coco Pops the other day, which I never do. So I think it was ment to be that I bought it. Because on the back of the box it said that I could adopt a monkey for free
here or
here. I would have to buy two more boxes of Kellog's to get it for free though, but anyway... I think it is a fabulous idea. Yeah, let's adopt a monkey!

Here are some monkey facts for you:
- The world's smallest monkey is the weeny 11cm Pygmy Marmoset, which could sit on your thumb.
- The massive 1 metre Mandarill is the world's biggest monkey and it's name means "man ape".
- There are 196 species of monkey living in Africa, Asia and South America.
- Monkeys love to eat flowers, fruit, seeds, nuts, birds' eggs and even spiders...