I have had a good day today. I met Anja, and we ate at the Egg, then we both used a bit too much money on clothes. It's been a long time since I've been in the city center, and I have forgotten how many great shops there is down there. I bought loads of tights, a DALLAS t-shirt (remember that TV show. I used to love it!)from H&M, a really cool vest and beautigul earrings from TopShop and the coolest shoes I've ever seen, also from H&M. I also bought a skirt from Miss Selfridge, but it didn't look good on me, so I'll return it. I just wanna go out tongiht with my new shoes, but can't, because I've got dance tomorrow morning. See you later, darlings. Xxx

så fine skoo
ka skjedd me kjolen?
takk :) dæm hadd itjn..farsken. æ leita overalt..jaja, sånn kan d gå.
Så utrolig kule sko!!! Æ like dæm:D Klærn va kjempefin dæ å:)
takk takk, tovemor :D
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