Yesterday was so good. I went to Anja's to eat dinner. She made vegetable soup and we had a glass of port wine. It was really good. Then Alex came over and we went to see KOLYDA at the famous the Cavern. The city was waiting for our precense, so we went to PINK, Chameleon and Korova. It was great. We went to bed quite late, so when we woke up mid-day today, we decided that we wanted to sleep more, so we listened to hypnosis and fell asleep again. A very interesting experience! We are just watching a movie tonight and tomorrow we are having a photo shoot. Have a good night, lovlies. XXX

Anja's magical vegetable soup.



KOLYDA was amazing!

Look what we found at the Cavern. Quite cool, indeed.
farksen, det e suppe overalt fårr tia!!
æ veit. suppelus
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