Saturday, 31 January 2009

Karma,karma,karma,karma Chameleon.

Yesterday was so good. I went to Anja's to eat dinner. She made vegetable soup and we had a glass of port wine. It was really good. Then Alex came over and we went to see KOLYDA at the famous the Cavern. The city was waiting for our precense, so we went to PINK, Chameleon and Korova. It was great. We went to bed quite late, so when we woke up mid-day today, we decided that we wanted to sleep more, so we listened to hypnosis and fell asleep again. A very interesting experience! We are just watching a movie tonight and tomorrow we are having a photo shoot. Have a good night, lovlies. XXXAnja's magical vegetable soup.
KOLYDA was amazing!
Look what we found at the Cavern. Quite cool, indeed.

Friday, 30 January 2009

In sight.

I'm getting older and wiser and my sight is getting worse and...worse. So I've got glasses when I read. And indeed, I do read. Have a good friday, friends. Xxx

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Jamie Oliver...

...Is a smart man. Tonight I've been watching "Jamie Oliver saves our bacon". He did something similar with chicken as well. I think this is brilliant! Too many people don't care about where their meat comes from, as long as its cheap. On the show I saw both how they castrate the pigs (without any anaestetichs) how they are bred and how they are killed. I like that he shows us everything. We need it. So, go Jamie Oliver. You win!

Meat free.

I have been a vegetarian for five years now,and I've never been fond of the meat free versions of things, but this is cool. I can't really remember what meat tastes like, but I don't think it tastes like this. Anyway, I made it with wholegrain pasta and chopped tomatoes. Yes, it was good. I have written a bit over 800 words for my dissertation today. Well done, Martine :D

Disruptive divas and heat.

I'm sitting in my living room and it's boiling hot. As I told you yesterday the heaters turn on when they want to, and you can't turn them off. So, I am reading stuff for my dissrtation, and it is interesting, but it's not what I want to do today. If I can write 1000 words I will celebrate with going up to Anja's for dinner and maybe a movie. So, we'll see. XXXWhile I'm reading I'm listening to "Juliette Lewis and the Licks" with HOT KISS. Great song, and Dave Grohl is playing drums on it!

Wednesday, 28 January 2009


I'm freezing. The heaters in my flat works when they want to, and they wanna work in the morning and mid-day when I'm in school. They worked a while ago, but damn it! I'm lying here with my duvet and wearing wool socks and loads of clothes. And by the way, I'm watching 90210. It's ok, but not nearly as good as the older version. They have linked the two together quite well, but it also bugs me. Anyway, see you tomorrow,if I don't freeze to


I realised I had more time before my rehearsal than I thought, so I am reading "The Thirteenth Tale" and drinking a homemade smoothie. I made it out of strawberries, raspberries,grapes, orange juice and blueberries. YUM!

I can't see for the sun.

So I bought some new shades. Aren't they sexy? The sun has been showing its wonderful self the last couple of days and that makes me happy. I'm hungry and then I've got rehearsals from two til nine tonight. It will be fun. Have a good day! XXX

P.S: Listen to Brandi Carlile- The Story. She's got the most amazing voice.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009


Have you seen anything this cute?! I am a huge Hollyoaks fan, and this is my favourite; Kent Riley.So, today I haven't done much really. I have been to class, and will soon be starting reading a little for my dissertation. I talked to Lisa over SKYPE as well, and I've got a date with Beate on SKYPE at nine. Nice day :D


I don't know if you can see it properly, but it's a wall full of Elvis. I want one of those walls in my house.

Monday, 26 January 2009

Look what I made...

I made this logo for Anja, Anna and Untouched's showcase. It's in the PMA at LIPA the 25th of April. Come around! Mine will be the 28th of April. You should come to that one too! Liverpool, baby! What do you think of it? Tell me, tell me!

I do sensible things, sometimes.

Today I've had my singing lesson, had performer class and been to the library. I've been good! Therefore, Anja and me ate dinner at Bistro Jaques. Wonderful. Three courses for a bit over 10 pounds. See you later, sexy people. XXX P.S: I write alot about food. Haha :D

Click on image to enlarge.

Sunday, 25 January 2009


I'm trying to sleep,but I can't. I slept all day really. Woke up at nineish and had a couple of naps throughout the day. I have decided to stop biting my nails, and so should we all. I will leave you with an image you shall not forget. My finger! It hurts really bad. It just happened yesterday, and I realised I have to stop biting my nails. Sorry to you non biters,but anyways... Learn from my mistakes. Good night. I hope...


As you may or may not know I love Beverly Hills 90210. The one from the 90's that is. The new one is on TV here tomorrow, and I don't know if I want to see it. It feels like cheating sort of. Because it is not the same at all, it's too fancy in a way. A bit too much Gossip Girl...What do you think?The new, fancy version.
My favourite version!!!!!!!

Champagne in kitchen glasses.

Yesterday was Chris,Chris,Lars and Edvard's birthday party at Magnet and it was really fun. We had champagne and danced our socks off. It was a good night,even though it started with me washing my hair in the kitchen sink because I didn't have any power. It's back now though and I'm glad. I have been awake for like three hours allready, so this will be a long day. Andreas is in San Fransisco so no sunday club today. I need water! XXXWashing my hair in the kitchen sink. Never again!
Me, Kristian and Ragnhild.
Champagne in kitchen glass.
Chris and me.
Mike and Emma.
Tord and me.

Saturday, 24 January 2009

The egg.

Today I had lunch with Helga at this wonderful vegetarian/vegan café. We ate lovely food, and after that we had a coffee at FACT. There is a power cut going on, so I don't have any power in my flat. The whole street is without power and big parts of the city. I can't even shower at home. Shit! At the moment I'm at helga's drinking port wine. Chris, Chris, Lars and Edvard is celebrating their birthday today. Can't wait. Free champagne and lovely people! Have a good Saturday :DHelga at FACT.
Me at FACT.
My food at the Egg.
Helga eating her spicy veggie burger.

Friday, 23 January 2009

Let us help!

What I love about England is the advertisments on TV for animal welfare. They encourage us to give money and to care. So, even though I don't have money, I have now started giving 3 pounds a month to WSPA. Check out their web site on and you can give money too. Come on peole, let's help! I am for the moment trying to write 1000 words for my dissertation. How is that possible to do when Ricki Lake is on?! XXX

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Find the Escape.

You should check them out, they are really great. I went to see them tonight, and even though I was very,very hung over, I enjoyed it! You can find them on XXX

I hate bills.

I have lost my bank thing, my password for applying to HOPE university and I'm broke. Yes, this day has been wonderful! I also have to pay the phone bill and internet bill. That would be ok, if I hadn't used all my money on Good night.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Anja and Wine

Anja and me are drinking wine at mine today and then we are hopefully going out tonight. If they only could bring the food over! XXX


Before I go to rehearsal I have to show you this:It's the logo for my band. Tove made it for me, and this is how I looked when I first saw it:See you later! XXX

Tuesday, 20 January 2009


I had lunch with the lovely Anja today. It was so nice. It's good to have her back in town for a little while! I need to get something done. It hasn't been the most productive day so far... XxxAnja.
Spinad,avocado and bacon salad. We <3 the Quarter!

Music and Glittery Shots.

Yesterday we went out. Anja and me had a glass of wine here first before we moved down to this new place, Chamelon or Chameleon or something. It was really cool, but closed at 12. Too early for us, so we went to Heebiejeebies, and had so much fun there. Then we ended up at Alex for an after party. That is where all the instruments showed up. It was a good night! Today I'm working on loads of stuff, going to the library and having lunch with Anja I think. XxxAnja is baack!
Sexy glittery sambooka.
Anja, Alex and me.
The Guitar Heroes.
Anja, me and Chris. Pre lipstick.
Oh, you have sexy lips, Chris.
I am consentrating very very hard!
Nils and his violin.