Tuesday, 29 July 2008


..Is what I can't seem to find. I am so stressed out, and I really don't know why. I am months away from starting school again, even though I am sceptic (long story, I suck at school things, essays etc.) I don't really know what this blog is going to turn out as, and what clothes I am going to bring to the best festival in the world! I am going to work tomorrow, but after ended work day, I am off. Storåsfestivalen is amazing, and I can recommend it to everyone in the entire world. Before I go to sleep I need to recommend a book for you beautiful people, The book thief. Read it. Might see you at Storås. If you are cool ;) Good night!

Monday, 28 July 2008

Well, I don`t want to go to work...

...Today either. It is extremely sunny outside,and I am not prepared to work in this heat with ugly clothes. It is sometimes very sad that sexy boys that comes in have to see me like that the first time they see me. Some of them I don`t even have the chanse to see again, and then they will have the impression of me as I look when I work. Anyways ,I am very excited, and I am ready for Storåsfestivalen,which is coming up. I am leaving straight from work on wednesday, and I can`t wait to spend lovely summer days with good friends, good music, good weather and goood alcohol! Have a great day, friends.

Sunday, 27 July 2008


OK,since I am new at this game, I could update you a little bit. since I came back for my summer break here in Norway, loads has happened. I am working nine to five, what a way to make a living.. Lalala, we all know that song. Vegetarian Martine is selling meat and fish, so that I can afford to live. I have had some time to go to Oslo, meet Dave Grohl, go to a festival, dance the night away, have a get together at my parents house and get a little crush. It is not the man in the picture, even though he is fit.

After a night out...

...I wake up with my good friend Naomi, and she can't walk. As she was walking towards the after party she fell and injured her knee and wrist. So today i am nurse Martine, here to help. The sun is shining, but we can't go anywhere. Anyway, I've got the day off, and I want to enjoy the sun. Naomi, I will wheel you out in the sun!